In the years after the First World War Europe is restoring, North America is going though economical rise. As a result of the growing produce and competition, increase the need of advertising. This sphere came to be very attractive for many of the new artists. The new talents and ideas were used in the war for the consumers attention bringing the advertising to the new level. The using (and abusing) of the visual is developed to sophisticated manipulation. Images suggest certain values, style and desires to the consumers. To accomplish this purposes the advertising resorts to some of the elements of the avant-garde.

Avant-garde in the context of mass consumption
After the WWI many of the intellectual capacity of the Old Continent escape to North America searching for a better future, bringing with itself the new art movements created in Europe. Thus Constructivism, Futurism, Dadaism were found to be in the circumstances of quickly developing economic that needs well developed advertisement. Responding to that need some of the stylistic features of the avant-garde movements are quickly assimilated and commersialased. This new styles become a mark for modernity.

At that time many artist come together and create professional organizations. This institutionalization correspond to the new stage of the arts application.
1917 - Association of the American Advertising Agencies regulate advertising and provides more than 80% of the national advertises.
1919 - Bauhaus - art organization developed in Germany and later moved to USA
1920 - Art Directory Club is founded by Louis Pedlar and it is the first international organization of this kind.

Consumer Engineering
The new philosophy of the manufacture is twisted. Instead of creating a product for peoples needs, there are created needs for the new products.
Using the archetype images and visual codes the artists create recipes for what you must be, look, like, want.

Branding, psychology, market analyzes - advertisement became the perfect form formanipulation.
Art Deco search for "geometric beauty" and fonts related with it are sans-serif.
Here are one of the most common Art Deco font types.

Graphic Design History A critical Guide
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